How To Get Cash Assistance For Families In Need
With unemployment and hours being cut due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, reaching out for financial assistance can help. In Tennessee, the Emergency Cash Assistance provides two monthly cash payments to families that were employed as of March 11, 2020 and have lost a job or lost at least 50% of their earned income due to the COVID-19 emergency. Applications for emergency cash assistance will be accepted through June 30, 2020. This money is funded by the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.
To apply and learn more, go to the Tennessee Department of Health Emergency Cash Assistance site.
In Virginia, there are two programs for families in need admist the pandemic. The Diversionary Assistance program provides a one-time assistance for families to pay for emergency needs including food, basic needs, housing and utility expenses, medical expenses, transportation, and more.
The TANF-Emergency Assistance provides cash help for families currently receiving on-going TANF assistance. This means a one-time assistance of up to $500 will be available for families who have experienced a fire or natural disaster like COVID-19. To apply or learn more about both programs, visit Virginia CommonHelp. – Jinger Royal